Tag Archives: Irish speakers in Moycullen

Would you like to use more Irish with your children at home or are you interested in using Irish as the family language? Conradh na Gaeilge and Forbairt Phobail Mhaigh Cuilinn are organising an information evening to give parents an opportunity to discuss the choices available to them. Thursday 25th October @7.30pm in Teach na Gaeilge (at rear of Arus Uilinn) This is an informal event and representatives from the organisation Comhluader will be in attendance to give advice to parents. You are very welcome to drop in. Further information 087 418 8050  & 087 225 2505   Gaeilge sa bhaile Ar mhian leat nios mo Gaeilge a usaid le do chlann ag baile no an bhfuil tu ag iarraidh do chlann a thogail le Gaeilge? Ta Conradh na Gaeilge agus Forbairt Phobail Mhaigh Cuilinn ag eagru ocaid eolais chun deis a thabhairt do thuismitheoiri na roghanna ata acu a…

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