Category Archives: Community News

Beidh Óg -Ógras ag tosú Dé Céadaoin Samhain i dTeach na Gaaeilge, Maigh Cuilinn ag a 7.30in. Tá fáilte roimh páistí idir 8-11 bliain d’aois le haghaidh spóirt, spraoi, drámaíocht, ealaín agus go leor eile trí Ghaeilge. Ba mhaith le Ógras cástáil le tuismitheoirí na bpáistí go mbeidh ag freastal ar an gclub chun an clárúcháin a dhéanamh . Tá costas ballríochta €20 ar gach páiste agus is €2 gach lá a bhfreastalaíonn siad as sin amach. Má tá aon cheisteanna déan teagmháil le Elaine ar 087-0623010 nó Óg Ógras youth club will be starting on Wednesday 5th November in the Teach na Gaeilge, Moycullne at 6-7.30pm. There will be games, drama, art and lots more fun through Irish. Ógras would like to meet the parents of the children for registration. There is a €20 membership fee and it is €2 every week they attend after that. If…

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Due to maintenance work, the offices and car park at Árus Uilinn will be closed to the public from Monday, 27th of October until Monday, 3rd of November. We regret any inconvenience caused.   Beidh obair chothabhála á déanamh idir an Luan, an 27 Deireadh Fómhair agus an Luan, an 3 Samhain agus beidh na hoifigí agus an carrchlós ag Árus Uilinn dúnta don phobal dá bharr. Is oth linn má chuirtear isteach ar aon duine ar aon bhealach le linn an ama sin.

 Imeachtaí/Events Deireadh Fómhair/October 2014 Lá Dáta Imeachtai/Events Láthair/Venue Am Every Monday Active Retirement ‘Get to Gether’ Árus Uilinn 10.30am Every Thursday Active Retirement Indoor Games Gaa Hall 11am Community Bingo The Forge 8pm Every Friday Sonas Árus Uilinn 11am Every Sunday 50/50 Draw Local Pubs 10pm Sunday 5th & 19th Walking Club Walk,  – See list in Tony’s Cafe & Facebook An Fuarán 10am Monday 6th Cumann Staire AGM Dooley’s 7.30pm Friday 24th Moycullen  Active Retirement Association Craft Fair and Open Day Forge Function Room 10am to 3pm To advertise your events here,  Déan Teaghmáil/Contact: Fobairt Phobal Mhaigh Cuilinn Árus Uilinn info        Tel 091 555626 Fax  091 55626

Moycullen Walking Club/Cumann Siúlóide Mhaigh Cuilinn will hold its A.G.M. on Monday 13th October upstairs in The Forge Bar at 8:30 PM. All current and new members are welcome. Contact Paul 087 – 7824483 for further information.

For anyone who has an interest in joining your local walking club, an information evening will be held on Monday 13th October at 730 PM upstairs in The Forge Bar. Activities include: Rambles, Short Walks, Hill Walking, Day Trips and Social Outings. Members will be in attendance to answer all your queries. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Paul 087 – 7824483 for any further information
