Open Discussion for New Community Centre

Open Discussion for New Community Centre

Forbairt Phobail Mhaigh Cuilinn will be hosting an Open discussion on their plans for a Community/Sports Centre in Kilrainey Woods on 6th. Dec at 8.30pm in Arus Uilinn. Draft plans of the proposed development as well as Funding costs will be available. As it is envisaged applying for Full Planning permission early in 2013 this is your opportunity to engage and insure your requirements/aspirations/concerns are addressed and included in the final drawings.

All Clubs/Groups/Associates/Individuals who intend utilising the facility are urged to attend with their requirements and commitment to the project.

ALSO  at 7.30pm  there will be a general meeting and  a presentation by Knockalough Community Group on Windfarm planning application within the Parish.

Beidh Forbairt Phobail Mhaigh Cuilinn ag eagrú cruiniu oscailte ar a gcuid pleananna le haghaidh Ionad Pobail / Spóirt i Mhaigh Cuilinn  ar an 6ú. Nollaig ag 8.30pm in Árus Uilinn.

Beidh dréacht phleananna ar taispeáint do na forbartha beartaithe chomh maith le costais maoiniú. Tá sé beartaithe again cur isteach ar cead pleanála iomlán go luath sa bhliain 2013

Beidg cur i láthair Grúpa Pobail Knockalough ar iarratas pleanála fheirm ghaoithe laistigh den Pharóiste ag 7.30